

English for Specific Purposes期刊编委、中国ESP研究顾问. Professor Paltridge has taught English as a second language in Australia, NewZealand, and Italy and has published extensively internationally inpeer reviewed journals. His current projects include two books: Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts edited with Louise Ravelli Sue Starfield to be published by Libri, Getting Published in Academic Journals with Sue Starfield; to be published by the University of Michigan Press. He has taught post graduate courses in the areas of second-language teaching and learning, language curriculum design and methodology, research methods, discourse analysis, language for specific purposes, writing for publication and thesis and dissertation writing.  
主编访谈 | 专访TESOL Quarterly主编Brian Paltridge教授展开阅读全部

Q:Could you please give us a brief introduction to your journal, including main columns and feature columns?

TESOL Quarterly (TQ), a professional, refereed journal, encourages submission of previously unpublished articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with English language teaching and learning and standard English as a second dialect. As a publication that represents a variety of cross-disciplinary interests, both theoretical and practical, TQ invites manuscripts on a wide range of topics, especially in the following areas:

  • psychology and sociology of language learning and teaching
  • issues in research and research methodology
  • testing and evaluation
  • professional preparation
  • curriculum design and development
  • instructional methods, materials, and techniques
  • language planning professional standards


Because TQ is committed to publishing manuscripts that contribute to bridging theory and practice in our profession, it particularly welcomes submissions that address the implications and applications of research in, for example,

  • anthropology
  • applied and theoretical linguistics
  • communication
  • education
  • English education, including reading and writing theory
  • psycholinguistics
  • psychology
  • first and second language acquisition
  • sociolinguistics
  • sociology

TESOL Quarterly publishes full length research articles, brief research reports, short forum pieces, as well as teaching matters and research matters contributions. 

Q:Does your journal have recent plans for a feature column or articles?

 Every year the journal has a special issue. Recent special issues are:

2017: Complementary Perspectives on Task-based Classroom Realities

2016: Language Teacher Identity in Multilingual Education

2015: Multimodality in TESOL

2014: K-12 Standards-Based Educational Reform

2013: Plurilingualism in TESOL

Q:Does TQ have a preference on empirical papers or reviews?

TESOL Quarterly prefers empirical papers.

Q:Could you please give us a brief introduction to the review procedures of TQ?

All papers that are considered for publication in TESOL Quarterly are double-blind reviewed. That is, the authors and the reviewers do not know each other’s identity.

Q:How long does it take to get an article published (if no revision needed), i.e. from submission to the final print? How does the editorial board decide the order of publication when the articles are accepted?

It is extremely rare for an article to be published without revisions. The most common review decision is major revisions. Once an article has been sent out for review, the length of time from submission to final print depends on the revisions that have been requested and how many rounds of reviews the article needs to go through. The editors decide on the order of publication when articles have been accepted. Normally articles are published in the same time sequence in which they were received.

Q:How can young researchers without senior titles and doctorates successfully publish their first article? Could you give them some advice?

Young researchers should pay very close attention to the author guidelines provided on the journal’s website. They should also be sure their article fits with the aims and scope of the journal. In addition, they should be sure their article has been framed so that it is of interest to the international readership of the journal.

Q:Do you have any advice for young researchers in following the newest development or future trend in a certain field?

Be sure, whatever your topic, that you are aware of the most recent research on your topic and that this has been integrated into your article. 

Q:Do you have any advice for young researchers to be original?

Make sure, through your reading of the literature, that you are investigating a topic that has not been over-researched. Insufficient originality is a frequent reason an article may not be sent out for review.

Q:Would the articles on unfamiliar fields be easier to get accepted?

Not necessarily. The topic of the article needs to be one that is of interest to the current readership of the journal. 

Q:From what aspects does the editorial board evaluate the academic value of a topic?

These are the questions we send to reviewers to evaluate a research article:

  • Does the manuscript contain new and significant information to justify publication?
  • Is the problem significant and concisely stated?
  • Are methodological and/or theoretical matters comprehensively described?
  • Are the interpretations and conclusions justified by the results?
  • Is adequate reference made to other work in the field?
  • Does the manuscript appeal to the general interests of the readership of the journal?
  • Does the manuscript strengthen the relationship between theory and practice?

Q:Does your journal hire part-time reviewers? How do you advise young teachers to apply for part-time reviewers?

TESOL Quarterly does not hire part-time reviewers.

Q:Any other advice for young researchers who is interested in submitting papers to your journal?

Of the people who published papers in TESOL Quarterly over the past four years, 77 per cent of them published in the journal for the first time. TESOL Quarterly, thus, has a strong focus on the publication of work by new authors, something that we hope early career researchers and more junior scholars, no matter in what part of the world, will find encouraging.



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