Professor James P. Lantolf is Greer Professor in Applied Linguistics, Emeritus, the Pennsylvania State University, where he was Director of the Center for Language Acquisition and of CALPER & #40;Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research& #41;. Professor James P. Lantolf is currently Distinguished Professor in the Center for the Cognitive Science of Language at Beijing Language and Culture University. From 2016 to 2019 he was Yangtze River & #40;Changjiang River& #41; Professor in Applied Linguistics in the School of Foreign Studies of Xi’an Jiaotong University, which in 2017 established an applied linguistics research center in his name. He was president of the American Association for Applied Linguistics & #40;2005& #41;, and received its Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award & #40;2016& #41;. He was Co-editor of Applied Linguistics & #40;1993-1998& #41; and founding editor of Language and Sociocultural Theory & #40;2013-present& #41;. In addition to articles, chapters, and encyclopedia entries, he co-authored Sociocultural Theory and the Genesis of Second Language Development & #40;2006& #41; as well as Sociocultural Theory and the pedagogical imperative & #40;2014& #41;, which received the Mildenberger Prize of the Modern Language Association of America. He edited Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning & #40;2000& #41;, and co-edited Vygotskian Approaches to Second Language Research & #40;1994& #41;, Sociocultural Theory and the Teaching of Second Languages & #40;2008& #41;, and The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development & #40;2018& #41;. He is co-guest editor for special issues of The Modern Language Journal & #40;2023& #41;: Sociocultural theory and pedagogical research in East Asia, as well as Language Assessment Quarterly & #40;2023& #41;: L2 Dynamic assessment research in China.
Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development.

