有效课堂的教学与研究(三):Designing cooperative learning for the EFL classroom
2012.08.14 - 2012.08.19 北京
主讲专家: 沈惠忠、Margaret Kettle、
——有效课堂的教学与研究Designing Cooperative Learning for the EFL Classroom研修班
8月15-16日,北京由炎热渐入凉爽,有效课堂的教学与研究(三)Designing Cooperative Learning for the EFL Classroom研修班于此际成功举行。本期研修班也是外研社暑期教师系列研修活动的最后一期。
澳大利亚悉尼大学教育学院副院长沈惠忠教授和澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学教育学院讲师Margaret Kettle远赴重洋,为参班教师讲授合作学习的理论方法与实践应用。
研修班开幕 |
许多教师都存在这样的疑问,合作学习与外语课堂上经常开展的小组活动不同么?针对这一问题,沈教授和Kettle博士表达了他们的看法:合作学习的内涵远不止小组活动,而小组活动里包含合作学习。沈教授通过几个活动设计让大家亲身体会合作学习的策略方法。几个充满趣味、构思巧妙的活动,不仅激发了课堂的互动气氛,也锻炼了语言能力、逻辑能力、空间能力等多方面能力。沈教授接着介绍了多元智能(Multiple Intelligence)理论,指导大家在课堂上了解学生特点,开展多种活动、通过多种途径帮助学生学习。
沈惠忠教授 | Margaret Kettle博士 |
Kettle博士以课堂对话教学(Dialogical Teaching)为切入点。对话教学利用课堂对话激励学生参与互动、激发学生思考并提高他们的学习和理解能力。她强调,语言在课堂中构建了授课内容、维持着交互关系、传达着个人表现,教师应该在课堂中利用叙述、讲解、提问、分析、讨论、沟通等多种方式设计对话环节,实现合作学习和教学。
被合作学习策略吸引 |
讨论激发火花 |
合作学习犹如一股清风给教师们带来教学反思和启迪。什么时候应用合作学习策略?沈教授指点迷津:“在需要的时候。”合作学习不能解决教学中产生的所有问题,它只是解决问题的一种思路。本期研修班旨在为大家介绍这一策略,提供学习、讨论和探索的机会。Kettle博士也一语点道:“If you do it, you learn it!”
● Prof. Shen's lecture gave me a clear and systematic picture of cooperative learning. I was impressed by his humorous speech. Margaret’s story and summary was also amazing.
● I’ve really reaped the benefits from Prfo. Shen’s presentations of theoretical bases and relevant classroom activities concerning cooperative learning. Thus, I’m encouraged to let my students engage in well-designed cooperative activities in teaching process with purpose to cultivate their multiple intelligence and creative thinking.
● From the first day’s lecture, I learned the MI theory and some ways to apply the theory to classroom activities. Also I gained the opportunity to communicate with many English teachers from all over the country, which is fantastic to discuss some questions and share our teaching experience together.
● The speech made me know about the teacher should be a participant, monitor, supervisor and problem-counselor in English classroom. As a teacher, we should provide more opportunities to our students to take part in the CL, which involves various types of group work and other activities.
Group 3
● Dr. Shen and Dr. Margaret ‘s rich content, vivid materials and enthusiastic effort to involve us are truly impressive. The systematic introduction to cooperative learning, Horward Garner’s MI theory greatly broadened my understanding of the essence of cooperative learning, which set me thinking deeply about my past teaching experiences especially in respect to the implementation of CL.
● This is a very professional, motivational and academic training program. It leads us into an informational and systematical English world.
● For me, Margaret presented a very good method-dictogloss to practice in college English teaching, which would be supposed to add fresh air in my future English classes.
● 收获之多不可数算,最颠覆我自己原有思想的是: Testing doesn’t make a student learn more, teaching does.
● It was very interesting to discuss in small groups. Everyone was actively involved in the discussion. We learned a lot from each other. I think it is the most charming aspect of cooperative learning.
● Fresh ideas trigger effective teaching. The theories can make teacher more conscious of the approaches they use to design their classes. The workshop is quite instructive.
● I'm impressed by a type of dictation-dictogloss, that’s quite different from the testing dictation. Students can learn from each other about missing words, grammar, structure so that they may get an outline of a beautiful article.
● Today's lesson has brought me many interesting ideas. One of them is to allow me to think-listening is not testing. As I was stuck into such a black hole for a long time, the text and the listening strategies should be placed at an earlier time.
● 针对不同层次的学生如何开展小组活动,在互动中对于口语较弱的学生会有一定的提高。
● The most important gains from today’s learning experience is a new perspective on learning and task design which I think will be very helpful in my teaching.
● 两位老师的授课再次印证了“因材施教”的在必要与重要。
● 今天的学习使自己认识到在教学中应注重发展学生的各项智能和能力,而不仅侧重学生的语言技能,在设计课堂活动时应更多地融入活动以培养学生的音乐、肢体活动以及人际交往技能。
● 首先,研修班理论与实践的结合效果非常好,其次,通过研修班可以结识全国各地教师并互通有无,可以拓宽视野,最后,通过学习与交流,可以认识自己的不足,找出努力方向。
● What I learned from Margaret's presentation seemed to have solved some of my puzzles such as what is dialogical teaching, how is it different from traditional teacher's talk, how can it be organized, etc.
● Today's lecture has enriched my way of teaching. Dr. Margret explained dialogic teaching very clearly. I’m sure this teaching method will prove to be effective in listening and speaking class.
● From Dr. Kettle's lecture, I know some new and effective approaches to design classroom activities and the ideas of the latest research.
● What have left a great impression on me are those well-designed activities during teaching different skills. I’m also deeply interested in the interaction of the principles of dialogic teaching and cooperative learning in actual teaching process.
● I also agree that questioning is important and needs certain skills. As the organizer and guide in class, teacher should do a lot of preparation work beforehand.
● The workshop is very constructive and enlightening, which benefits me a lot. I’ve got a new insight into grammar teaching by dictogloss. I’ve also got a glimpse of the combination of dialogic teaching with cooperative learning.
● I've learned a lot from Dr. Margaret Kettle about teaching approaches. I like your teaching style very much, because you're very energetic, passionate and good at teaching with body language. Most important, you give me a new perspective about teaching, such as teaching by “talk, understanding and application of cooperative learning in classroom, etc.