
2025.01.22 - 2025.03.21 线上

主讲专家: Christopher JenksUrsula BrinkmannCorbalan PerezSteve WalshMarjolein Cremer孙有中廖鸿婧黄文红秦硕谦





  研修班特邀专家包含国外和国内两个团队,国外主讲专家有荷兰乌特勒支大学Christopher Jenks教授Corbalan Perez博士Marjolein Cremer博士英国纽卡斯尔大学Steve Walsh教授Ursula Brinkmann博士,将以国际视角探讨跨文化能力的理论及实践最新成果,梳理跨文化研究话题及方向,关注融入跨文化能力培养的外语教学方法,讲解全英文教学(EMI);国内主讲专家为北京外国语大学孙有中教授廖鸿婧副教授北京交通大学黄文红教授青岛大学秦硕谦副教授,将聚焦基于中国视角的跨文化理论发展、教学原则及模式、教学实例,以及研究话题和研究方法,帮助外语教师拓宽思路、提升综合能力和教研素养。



  乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University, 简称UU) 创立于1636年,是荷兰规模最大、欧洲最著名的教育研究机构之一,有着悠久的学术传统与严格的治学方法,与剑桥大学等20所欧洲高校同属欧洲研究型大学联盟(LERU)。乌特勒支大学以强大的研究实力、高质量的教育水准和良好的学术声誉而享誉欧洲。2024年软科世界大学学术排名该校位居全球第55位,2024年USNEWS世界大学排名中位列第46位;该校语言学专业在2020年QS世界大学专业排名中位居全球第37位。至今为止,共培养出12位诺贝尔奖获得者以及15位斯宾诺莎奖获得者。



·立足本土 国际视野 


·主题聚焦 层层深入


·教研并重 全面发展





1. 研修时间:

  • 直播课程:2025年1月13日—21日,共2周。
  • 回放课程:2025年3月21日前可观看视频回放。

2. 研修形式:线上研修(具体研修形式将于开班前5日内发至您报名预留邮箱)。

3. 研修费用:3880元/人(含专家授课、研修资料、教学组织管理、结业证书等费用)。

4. 在线报名及缴费截止时间:2025年110



1. 10月15日前报名可享早鸟价3280元/人。

2. 合报优惠:同一院校报名3人可享85折优惠;报名5人可享8折优惠。

* 以上优惠不叠加使用。



1. 报名方式:请登录“全国高校外语教师研修网”(https://heep.fltrp.com/teacher)注册、报名。

2. 缴费方式:











1. 邀请函


2. 研修发票


3. 研修证书




  • 咨询邮箱:training@fltrp.com
  • 咨询电话:010-88819587/9033/9013
  • 咨询微信:扫描下方二维码添加好友

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* 本活动最终解释权归主办方所有。

Christopher Jenks

Dr. Christopher Jenkins is Professor and Chair of Intercultural Communication at Utrecht University. His work experience in higher education spans two decades and includes six geopolitical regions. He has worked in the United States, England, South Korea, China, Denmark, and now the Netherlands. He specializes in the study of language in society, and is also interested in the cultural implications of the global spread of English. His research interests include online communication, intercultural encounters, political discourse and identity construction.

Ursula Brinkmann

Dr. Ursula Brinkmann is an expert and psychologist renowned for her research and development of the Intercultural Readiness Check ( IRC), a high quality assessment tool for intercultural competences. She conducted her doctoral research on First Language Acquisition at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics and gained her doctorate in Social Sciences at the University of Nijmegen before founding International Business Improvement Center with Oscar van Weerdenburg in 1996. Trilingual in German, English and Dutch, she has worked with an array of multinational corporate clients including Bosch, the Dutch-German Chamber of Commerce, Chalmers Advanced Management Programs, Daimler, Ericsson, Siemens, and many others. In recognition of her commitment and service to the intercultural relations field, Ursula received the Margaret D Pusch Founders Award by SIETAR USA in 2016. She was a board member of SIETAR Netherlands for six years, and president of the association from April 2015 to April 2017. She is one of the initiators of ECILP – European Certificate for Intercultural Learning Professionals, a European consortium aiming to introduce shared standards for the intercultural profession. Her publications include Intercultural Readiness: Four competences for working across cultures, London: Palgrave Macmillan (2014), with Oscar van Weerdenburg; ‘Asia on the rise – Is it the culture that carries the growth?’ with Fons Trompenaars (2005) Think On, Vol 6; ‘Comparison of two instruments of Multicultural Effectiveness: The Multicultural Personality Inventory and the Intercultural Readiness Check’ with Karen van der Zee (2003) International Journal of Assessment and Selection, Vol 3.

Corbalan Perez

Dr. Corbalan Perez works as a senior educational consultant and trainer at Educational Consultancy and Professional Development (ECPD) at Utrecht University. She is trainer of different courses for teachers in higher education, from Didactical Trainings, Teaching in English in Higher Education to more specific trainings including the courses Teaching in and International Classroom, Developing Intercultural Competences (basic and advanced courses) and Diversity in Education. She is also specially interested and has experience on projects where the development of intercultural competences and diversity &inclusion play an important role.

Steve Walsh

Dr. Steve Walsh is Professor of Applied Linguistics in the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, UK. In his current role, Steve teaches and directs a range of courses on our MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL degree; these include Discourse Analysis, Research Methods and Reflective Practice for Second Language Teachers. He also supervises doctoral students and has supervised over 100 research students to completion. Steve's research interests include classroom discourse, teacher development, second language teacher education, reflective practice, technology enhanced learning and professional communication. He has published 10 books and more than 100 research papers. His most recent books, published in collaboration with Steve Mann, are the monograph Reflective Practice for English Language Teaching: Research-based Principles and Practices (Routledge, 2017) and The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education (Routledge, June 2019). 

Marjolein Cremer

Dr. Marjolein Cremer works as a senior educational advisor and assist programme teams with curriculum innovation at The Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning of Utrecht University. As such, she supports the interdisciplinary minor Language, Law and Culture and advises the Master team Youth Development and Social Change. She approaches educational challenges in a systematic way, using scientific research to spur innovation. Within educational sciences, she is specifically interested in the relationship between teaching quality and teaching in a second language. She teaches courses on Academic English, English-Medium Instruction (EMI), Didactics for Teaching in English, English Pronunciation and CLIL. She advises programme teams with the use of English in their curricula.




北京外国语大学专用英语学院副教授,博士、硕士生导师,美国加州大学伯克利分校访问学者。中国翻译协会跨文化交流研究委员会秘书长、常务理事,International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches期刊副主编,《跨文化研究论丛》主编助理。主要研究方向为外语教育评估,跨文化外语教学研究和混合研究方法。主要讲授“英语演讲”“英语辩论”“跨文化交际”“研究方法”等课程,连续多年获得北京外国语大学教学奖及优秀教学成果奖。


北京交通大学教授,清华大学博士。主持并完成1项国家社科基金青年项目和2项省部级项目。中国语文现代化学会语言认知与智能发展专业委员会常务理事,北京市对外交流与外事管理基地研究员。以第一作者在Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (JMMD), Language and Intercultural Communication (LAIC), Language, Culture and Curriculum (LCC),《现代外语》《外国语》等发表论文20余篇,其中2篇被人大复印报刊资料《语言文字学》全文转载。论文曾获“第六届全国外语院校大学外语教学研讨会”论文比赛特等奖,“山东省国外语言学学会年会优秀论文评选一等奖”。在国家社科基金后期资助指定出版社出版专著1部。以独立作者撰写的1项智库类成果获北京市领导(省部级)肯定性批示。


青岛大学外语学院副教授、博士、硕士生导师,英国杜伦大学访问学者。现任青岛大学外语学院英语教育系主任、学科负责人。主要研究方向为外语教学、跨文化交际、教育管理。发表教育类论文数篇,主持省部级、市厅级教科研课题多项。曾获青岛大学“三八红旗手”、青岛大学“教学十佳” 称号。


