
2015.11.28 - 2015.11.29 北京

主讲专家: Bonny Norton周燕




为帮助国内高校英语教师系统地了解语言学习者身份认同研究的理论,进一步提高此领域的研究能力,把握该领域的最新发展动向,北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心和外语教学与研究出版社专程聘请国际语言学习者身份认同研究领域著名专家加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学Bonny Norton教授与北京外国语大学周燕教授于2015年11月28-29日在北京举办“语言学习者身份认同研究研修班”


Bonny Norton

Dr. Bonny Norton is Professor and Distinguished University Scholar in the Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia, Canada. Her primary research interests are identity and language learning, critical literacy, and international development. She is Research Advisor of the African Storybook Project & #40;www.africanstorybook.org& #41; and 2006 co-founder of the Africa Research Network on Applied Linguistics and Literacy & #40;www.renafrica.org& #41;. She has published a 2013 2nd edition of "Identity and Language Learning" with Multilingual Matters, and is guest editor of a 2014 special issue of the Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development on "Promoting multilingual literacy and social change in African communities". A 2015 model of identity and investment & #40;w. Ron Darvin& #41; has been published by the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. She has held honorary positions at Kings& #39; College & #40;University of London& #41; and the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa. In 2010, Bonny Norton was the inaugural recipient of the "Senior Research Leadership Award" by the Second Language Research SIG of the American Educational Research Association & #40;AERA& #41;, and in 2012 she was inducted as an AERA Fellow. Her website can be found at http://www.educ.ubc.ca/faculty/norton/  





2015年11月29日下午,由中国外语教育研究中心和外语教学与研究出版社联合主办的“外语教学中的身份认同研究研修班”在北京外国语大学圆满落幕,共有来自全国23个省、市、自治区140余位教师参加了本次研修。在为期两天的研修期间,身份认同研究领域国际知名专家Bonny Norton教授和周燕教授系统讲解了外语教学中的身份认同研究理论及其在国内外的研究现状和发展趋势,并结合范例探讨了开展身份认同研究的方法,以及研究论文发表的相关问题,为参班教师开展此领域的研究提供了指导。


研修伊始,Bonny Norton教授从自身经历谈起,讲述了Identity的多层次涵义及其研究意义。她指出,Identity不单是自我的身份,更是与世界的一种纽带和联系,这一联系随时间、空间不断变化,它是多元的、动态的,了解不同人的Identity会使我们更尊重多元和变化,减少极端、争执和冲突。关于Identity与外语教学,她建议将语言学习放置于社会情景中,除了关注学习者自身的语言能力(language competence),也要关注他们讲话的权力(right to speech),考虑外语学习者与周围环境的权力关系(power relations)。Bonny Norton教授提出了通过语言学习中的“投资”可以重塑这种权力关系。她接下来比较了投资(Investment)和动机(Motivation)两种理论,指出投资说侧重从社会学角度看待语言学习,动机说则侧重心理学的视角,两者并不冲突,而是相互补充。


Bonny Norton教授


如果说Bonny Norton教授生动、有趣的讲解为参班教师描绘了Identity研究领域的轮廓,周燕教授的解读和阐释则使这一图景变得更为具象。除了理清了语言教育中身份认同、投资、想像共同体等基本概念,周燕教授进一步探究了教学情境下认同和语言学习的关系、学习者与他/她所在的社会环境的关系、语言学习如何受到机构和社群多重权力关系的影响以及身份认同与自我意识的区别等问题。她强调,学习者的身份认同、语言实践和语言资源是相互作用的,学校、家庭或是单位的各种实践活动和所能拥有的资源都会影响人的身份认同的形成,但人的主观能动性使他/她可能重塑关系、重获资源。






针对如何充分了解自身和学生的Identity这一问题,Bonny Norton教授认为,教师应关注自己的多重身份和内在的成长性,除了扮演家庭中的角色,同时也是师者、研究者和社会服务者,在与他人和世界建立联系的过程中可获得一种价值和自我成就的内生力量。



关于如何了解学生的Identity,Norton教授分享了自己的方法,即每学期初让学生撰写自传,她会细细阅读并一一回应,这一策略帮她更好地理解学生学习行为中的Identity支撑。她认为,即使不能在课堂上满足每一位学生的需求,我们也应为学生创造一个安全的、相互尊重的课堂环境,减少这一环境中的权力差距,了解他们的期待,培养他们对社会的关切,把他们看作是有着powerful identity的民族志学者、社会实践者和研究者。




而在具体的课堂教学比如写作评估中,她建议老师们不要只关注语法、词汇等语言能力,不要仅仅以此评判学生是否是good learner,而是也要关注writing中的个性化声音、组织架构和逻辑,以及写作题目可能给写作者带来的影响等因素。


通过对加拿大与乌干达等不同国家语言学习者数据的分析,Norton教授系统阐释了Identity, Capital, Ideology与Investment的互动模型。面对当前世界范围内数字化、流动性、多元化的趋势,Norton教授提醒大家需重新审视"social world"和"social interaction"的方式,重新思考如何"conceptualize speech",关注如何在数字时代赢得话语权。


从内容上来看,研究着重探讨外语教师身份认同研究(如徐浩的From the imagined to the practiced: A case study on novice EFL teachers' professional identity change in China)、教师身份认同研究(更关注某一群体如80后教师、乡村教师等)、身份认同再透视和身份认同与教师生长等,而身份认同与教师生长也是重点,因为“教师身份认同是教师生长的方式,是教师蜕变和蝶化的催化剂,是实现教师自我的生命发展的动力源和根脉”,从内在上实现“自我的回归”。


为了帮助参班教师了解论文写作的要求及发表的过程,本次研修班特别安排了研究个案讨论和Bonny Norton教授关于Demystifying Publication的讲座环节。








除了肯定了该论文主题的新颖度和内容的丰富性,教师代表也提出了组内成员对本文论证逻辑性和力度的疑问。在点评环节,Bonny Norton教授和周燕教授充分肯定了刘老师的选题与研究视角,同时也给予了一些建议,如题目要简洁、切中要点;写作前要想清楚目标读者群;理论框架阐释清楚即可,应该将重点放在研究分析和发现上面,因为后者才是读者感兴趣的核心。

在Demystifying publication的讲座环节,Norton教授详细讲解了做研究为什么需要发表、选择哪里发表,从何处开始和论文修改等问题,并就这些问题分享了自己的经验。关于为何发表,她说除了期望在一定程度上影响该领域的研究外,也是对所有参与研究者时间和精力的一个回报;关于期刊选择,她说需要了解不同期刊的要求和风格,尽量找自己喜欢的期刊和有影响力的期刊发表;关于如何开始,她建议从自己所处的环境和熟悉的群体开始寻找自己热爱、感兴趣或者让自己困扰的研究问题,多参加该领域的学术会议寻求各种观点的交流和碰撞,多利用图书馆和电子资源,也可建立研究小组;关于论文修改,她认为如果编辑部提出修改意见,那是十分幸运的,因为有人愿意细读你的文章,要认真、严苛地对待自己的文章。




We need to focus not only on the rules of language use, but also on students’ right to speech and their right to be heard.

Language is not only a symbolic tool, but also a social practice.

It is important to understand the dynamic nature of language learning.

The lectures provide a new perspective for language learning and teaching, and provide a profound insight into SLA in a broader context.

A language learner’s identity should not be analyzed just from a psychological perspective, but also from a sociological one.





We have gone over professor Bonny Norton’s foundational research on identity and language learning, which brings us insight into a comprehensive understanding of identity, capital, ideology and investment. What impresses me most is that a language learner’s identity should not be analyzed just from a psychological perspective, but also from a sociological one. It’s not static, but dynamic.



Today’s lecture is very insightful. I learned e new perspective to view identity which is through the sociological perspective. Language is not a mere symbolic tool but also a social practice.



Lectures from Bonny Norton and Professor Zhou Yan about identity and introduction to relevant research in Chinese contexts are completely beneficial and enlightening.



通过今天的研修,我了解了Bonny Norton教授关于身份认同与外语学习的研究,明确了身份认同的内涵、研究方法和研究思路。通过周燕老师的讲座,我了解到了身份认同相关的概念以及相互之间的关系、国内学者对身份认同与外语学习和教学的系列研究成果,为我们今后的研究拓展了思路。



Through the two professors’ speeches today, I now know that as an English teacher, when I try to motivate my students to speak up in class, I should try to design my class by taking students’ identity into consideration.



In today’s learning, a series of new concepts have bumped into my mind, identity, self-identity, motivation and investment etc. All this opened a door to a new world for me.



The pedagogical practices of the teacher can influence students’ self-identity.



Among my gains from today’s lectures, the most important one is that it inspires me and motivates me to go further into this field for my own research interests, especially identity research in Chinese contexts.



An awareness of identity will enhance the creation of an collaborative and positive language learning atmosphere, which will surely lesson the students’ anxiety in speaking and using a foreign language.



This workshop makes me think. It makes me think about what I should do among the field of gender, identity and investment. It also makes me think about how to do relevant research in an EFL classroom as a female EFL teacher.



It’s a great pleasure to hear the two professors’ detailed explanation on identity, capital and investment. Now I have a much better understanding of Norton’s foundational paper which was sent to us prior to the workshop.



I learned a lot about how to write, submit and integrate theory with practice. Many thanks to Professor Norton and Professor Zhou. I learned more of their working spirit than knowledge. I am willing to follow their steps for this research.




  1. 理解了identity研究与国内身份认同研究的异同;
  2. 对于外语学习与教育的动态过程有了一定程度的了解;
  3. 大体了解了国内身份认同研究的现状与发展趋势。



My gains:

  1. Identity research is a broad area for us to explore and invest. Read more and collect more data;
  2. Differences make us become more aware of the gap of learning and ability. Observing the power in the community and navigating the identity in the class would be beneficial for us;
  3. To be a good researcher, we not only do research, but also share result findings.



Today’s lectures coincided with what I have been informed in my academic readings on identity. The workshop clarified my doubts on my hesitation to continue my research. It confirmed that what I have done is worthwhile and rewarding.



I related the framework with my teaching practice consciously or unconsciously, especially in the classroom contexts.




  1. Rethink the notion of “teacher” after reading “Foundational Research on Identity and language learning”;
  2. In language teaching and learning process, we should pay attention to “br able to speak+ to be able to hold”
  3. Identity is the concept of “relationship”. Learners bridge gaps by investing with four types of capital.
  4. Current research situation in China and how to do such relative research



According to my understanding, identity is dynamic and subjects to change. It encourages so many facets that I would feel a little bit confused. The concept seems to be that comprehensive and omnipotent.






I enjoy my journey towards a clearer understanding of IDENTITY today. I really love the way both professors introduced and interpreted this concept and its related concepts in such an inviting way that I couldn’t help getting devoted into this academic conversation as well as my own conversation with the discourse of “identity”.


