有效课堂的教学与研究(一):Content-based Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
2014.07.17 - 2014.07.18 北京
主讲专家: MaryAnn Christison、文秋芳、
——记“有效课堂的教学与研究(一):Content-based Foreign Language Teaching and Learning”研修班
为与广大外语教师一起探索课堂魅力、创建有效课堂,2014年7月17—18日,外研社与中国外语教育研究中心特别邀请美国犹他大学MaryAnn Christison教授和北京外国语大学文秋芳教授,以“内容依托式教学”(CBI)为主题,就内容依托式教学的内涵、课程目标与课堂活动的设计、形成性评估及其在中国情境下的应用等话题进行了探讨。共有来自全国33个省市自治区的近四百名教师参与研讨。
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研修现场座无虚席 |
课程伊始,MaryAnn Christison教授便强调,与传统的“文本驱动”或“任务驱动”式教学理念不同,CBI强调“内容”(content)与“语言”(language)的同等地位与平衡相融。教师应以“内容”为基,来决定“语言”教学目标的难易设定;而学生在“有意义的”环境中学习语言,不仅符合语言习得规律,更有利于培养学生的语言使用能力,促进其学科知识的增长和自主学习能力的提高。
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MaryAnn Christison教授 |
针对教学目标设置,Christison教授反复强调,教学目标一定要具体,可操作性强,要避免“掌握”、“理解”、“学习”等字眼。因为在Christison教授看来,类似“学生能学会……”的教学目标过于笼统,也难以判断从中可以培养学生的何种认知能力。因此,Christison教授强调教学目标一定要包括五个成分:“学生将能够”+行为动词+内容+策略+方式(SWBAT+learning behavior+ content+ strategy+ means);归纳起来就是要说明“在什么情况下学生采用什么手段通过完成什么任务达到什么样的教学目标”。为进一步指导老师对内容依托式教学作出评价,Christison教授还与参班教师们无私分享了她与团队在教学过程中总结出的具体评价框架及标准。许多老师反映,与之前许多泛泛的技能要求或语言目标相比起来,这些公式与标准非常精细,且非常实用。
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文秋芳教授 |
统观之下,本次工作坊本身就是 “内容依托式”课堂教学的一次生动展示。而活泼有趣并有效的课堂组织形式更是给常头痛于“大班教学”的老师们带来了不少意外惊喜。
大班教学中如何积极有效地带动全员参与?MaryAnn Christison教授采用True or False的形式开启课堂,使参班教师快速融入新情境新话题;随着课程内容逐渐展开,为引领参班教师深入思考,她又采用了Think—Pair—Share的组织形式,鼓励参班教师先独立思考、后与同伴讨论、再与全班积极分享;复习、回顾教学内容之时,她更有连线题、分类题等妙招,帮助参班教师自我检测学习成果,她也根据参班教师的学习结果及时调整授课内容及授课方式……一堂课下来,学员自主探究问题的积极性得以充分调动,自主解决问题的能动性亦得以充分发挥。
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认真记录 | 互动分享 |
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汇报演示获奖教师合影 |
This workshop has offered me a new perspective to think about English teaching methodology. The concept of CBI is theoretically supported by many researches and was carried out about 40 years ago. A more detailed understanding of this concept is achieved, such as the concept of BICS, CALP, the zone of proximal development, CUP and WBAT.
I’ve learned the definition of CBI and the differences between CBI and the traditional language teaching. Although public English teaching doesn’t relate to a specific subject, we may introduce more content relative to the topic into the class teaching. This may help motivate the students’ learning interest.
This workshop is a very intensive, challenging and enlightening course. During the first day of workshop, we have a rough idea of content-based instruction, such as its integration of content and language in foreign language teaching, its conceptual framework, planning instruction and performance objectives. What inspired me a lot is the teaching conception that language is best acquired incidentally through extensive exposure to comprehensible second language input.
研修班的第一天,我仿佛回到了一年前自己还是研究生的时候,求知若渴,聆听思考,在content-based language instruction 中尽情畅游。感谢优雅高贵,满头银发的MaryAnn Christison教授细致耐心的讲解。从她的授课中,我系统了解了CBI的概念,content与language在CBI中扮演的角色,CBI的theoretical foundations以及instructional design。
Today’s sessions have been refreshing and extremely awarding. The theories that Professor Christison presented brought me new perspectives both on reflecting my past lessons and designing future lessons. I have been working on my lessons from a CBI view without knowing it, so today’s sessions helped systemize and reinforce that view.
The most rewarding gains, among others, are the elaboration on BICS and CALP by Jim Cummins, the Iceberg Model, SWBAT, Bloom’s Taxonomy as well as the three stages of Lesson Planning. I’m convinced that all languages have the same underlying proficiency and it is my job to help the students to transfer their cognitive skills they have commanded in L1 to L2.
I think content-based language teaching is in accordance with the current reform of English teaching in higher education taking place in China. In military college, this type of teaching method is becoming popular.
The lecture is very informative with the core concept—CBI, and other useful information. What impressed me most are the formula given by Professor Christison, i.e. SWBAT + learning behavior + content + strategy + conditions, which, as I’ve found, is quite useful in making lesson plans, and Bloom’s Taxonomy—six levels for managing demands on cognition.
It is a fruitful day for me. I get to know what is CBI, the two faces of language proficiency, the Iceberg Model, the Cognitive Quadrant, Bloom’s Taxonomy of six levels, formula and lesson planning.
After a whole day’s study, I have learned a lot about CBI. Everything is new to me, so I am always confused about the theory at the beginning. However, Professor Christison’s explanation has aroused my interest about CBI. In this afternoon, I have learned more, especially I can follow the teachers.
The workshop is fruitful, successful and enlightening. Professor Christison and Professor Wen give us much guidance on effective teaching and weed out many puzzles in my own teaching. I’m deeply impressed by professor Christison’s lecture for she tells us a lot of ideas systematically, with lots of good examples. Thanks!
Many thanks to Professor Christison and Professor Wen! With their excellent and informative instructions of CBI as well as other aspects related to CBI, I, a newcomer in College English teaching field, have access to the new teaching ideas and strategies.
文老师的展示环节控制得很好,调动起台上所有的参与学员,引发反思和互动。这个环节本身就是一节有效课堂的展示。MaryAnn 是一位极富经验的培训者,在讲授过程中将要点和Brian Teaser 结合,希望大家能更多的吸收有效信息,非常值得学习。两位老师非常关注与学员的互动,对我们进行formative assessment,这对于我个人的教学非常有启发。
I was greatly impressed by the passion, devotion, and professionalism exhibited by both professors. They are indeed role models for me. I couldn’t be more thankful to them.
What impress me most is the warming-up activity. I got a very useful teaching activity: Categorizing and Sorting. After finishing this task, I became more confident, because I am suddenly aware that so much has got into my mind in the previous day. At the same time, all the old knowledge has been ordered and sequenced in some place of my mind. It will be adopted in my future teaching.
I’d like to say that I have found my idols in this workshop: Professor Christison & Professor Wen. Apart from the concrete CBI introduction and explanation, what impressed me most is their delivery of speech in front of nearly 400 people! Both of them have an incredible control over the pace of the lessons and a variety of tasks.
Professor Wen’s feedback on our journal, which is very enlightening, gave us an opportunity to share ideas with each other. The “journal board” is a very useful way to me, which I think I’m going to apply in my class. In my opinion, the “journal board” can motivate students to do the exercise more carefully and earnestly.