Esther Pascual & #40;PhD VU Amsterdam, 2003& #41; is currently a ‘Hundred Talents’ Associate Professor and senior researcher at the Department of Spanish Language & Culture and the Department of Linguistics at Zhejiang University, China. She works on what she has labeled ‘fictive interaction’, as in her 2014 monograph Fictive Interactionand her 2016 co-edited volume The Conversation Frame & #40;both published by John Benjamins& #41;, and in numerous papers in SSCI/A&HCI journals such as Cognitive Linguistics, Text & Talk, Review of Cognitive Linguistics, and Pragmatics. She has received prestigious research grants to study the phenomenon from the Fulbright foundation and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. Pascual is founding Co-editor-In-Chief of the international peer-reviewed journal Language Under Discussion, editorial board member of Journal of Linguistics& #40;SSCI and A&HCI& #41;, and currently serves as elected President of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics.