Hans Vilhelm Hansen & #40;PhD Wayne State University1990& #41; was born in Denmark but has spent most of his life in Canada and has taught at the University of Windsor since 2000. He is the editor of Riel’s Defence: Perspectives on his Speeches & #40;2014& #41; and the co-editor of several other anthologies including Fallacies, & #40;1995& #41;, Reason Reclaimed, & #40;2007& #41;, and Presumptions and Burdens & #40;forthcoming& #41;. His essays about argumentation and logic have appeared in Synthese, Logique et Analyse, Philosophy and Rhetoric, and Argumentation, as well as Informal Logic. He wrote the entry on fallacies for the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy & #40;2015& #41;. Recently, Hansen has served as Director of the Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric & #40;CRRAR& #41; in the University of Windsor. He will be Head of the Department of Philosophy, 2017 - 2020.
Argumentation Theory, Scheme Theory and the Problem of Testimony.