Peter Grundy
Peter Grundy taught in schools in the UK and Germany for five years and worked in higher education as a teacher trainer for six years before taking up a post at the University of Durham in 1979. Apart from a two-year period at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he taught pragmatics and applied linguistics at Durham until 2002, when he took early retirement, although he retains an association with Durham as an Honorary Fellow. Since 2002, he has taught on a part-time basis at several universities, most recently as a visiting professor at University of Vienna during the 2011-12 winter semester. He also has considerable experience of language training and teacher development seminars and short courses in UK and around the world. He is author of several resource books for teachers including Beginners & #40;OUP& #41; and Newspapers & #40;OUP& #41; and, with Arthur Brookes, Writing for Study Purposes & #40;OUP& #41; and Beginning to Write & #40;CUP& #41;. His book Doing Pragmatics & #40;Hodder& #41; is now in its third edition. His two most recent books are Art in ELT with Hania Bociek and Kevin Parker & #40;Helbling Languages, 2011& #41; and The Pragmatics Reader with Dawn Archer & #40;Routledge, 2011& #41;. He is currently working on a Pragmatics Handbook with Anne Barron & #40;Luneburg& #41; and Gu Yueguo & #40;Beijing& #41;. He is a past president of IATEFL and currently chairs the IATEFL Wider Membership Scheme Committee. 英国杜伦大学语用学及应用语言学荣休教授,IATEFL前主席,IATEFL Wider Membership Scheme Committee现任主席,在维也纳大学等多所大学担任客座教授。主要研究领域为语用学、教师发展。主要著作包括《为学习目的而写作:教学指南》& #40;与Arthur Brookes合著& #41;、《英语写作教学》& #40;与Arthur Brookes合著& #41;、《语用学入门》、《语用学选读》(与 Dawn Archer合著)、牛津英语教师宝库的《初学阶段》、《读报纸、学英语》等。

